Adult human growth hormone deficiency (AGHD) is a medical condition that requires appropriate treatment to allow the body to function at optimum levels. In this review of HGH therapy, we examine both the HGH benefits and side effects so that you understand what to expect from treatment.
HGH benefits the adult body in numerous ways, which is why any deficiency can lead to widespread physiological breakdowns. Human growth hormone supports the regeneration and growth of new cells throughout life. These cells keep the body alive and functioning and are necessary for the internal organs, skin, muscles, hair, bones, tissues, and blood supply. Without the cellular regeneration provided by HGH and its mediating hormone insulin growth factor 1 (IGF-1), the body would not have enough new cells to replace the ones that die off each day. An additional function of HGH is to stimulate the liver’s production of IGF-1.
Other essential benefits of HGH help support the functions of the immune system, brain, metabolism, and heart health. HGH even benefits sexual performance and libido.
Knowing the facts about HGH benefits and side effects can help you understand what to expect from treatment.
HGH Benefits for Adult Growth Hormone Deficiency
The cellular regenerative benefits of human growth hormone maintain the integrity of the muscles and bones, skin and hair, nails, connective tissues, internal organs, and even the eyes. As we begin our in-depth look at HGH benefits and side effects, we focus first on the extensive list of benefits of HGH for the adult body:
- Cellular:
- Increases collagen and elastin to thicken, plump, smooth, and tighten the skin
- Improves cell supply to the hair shafts for thicker, fuller, stronger hair strands
- Better lean muscle tone and mass – enhanced mobility and flexibility
- Increases bone mineral density – reduced osteoporosis risk, less joint pains
- Stronger nails
- Improves internal organ structure and functions
- Reduces visual blur – cells in the cornea of the eye regenerate daily
- Restores thymus size – see immune below
- Metabolic:
- Increases lipolysis for fat burning and weight loss
- Enhances insulin sensitivity
- Better glucose uptake increasing energy to the body’s cells
- Immune:
- Improves thymus activity for white blood cell production
- Reduces frequency and duration of illness
- Faster recovery from injury and exercise
- Sexual:
- Increases libido
- Better vaginal lubrication
- Improves erectile functions
- Greater orgasm intensity and pleasure
- Hormonal:
- Stimulates production of IGF-1 and testosterone (benefits estrogen)
- Reduces PMS and menopausal symptoms including hot flashes and night sweats
- Cognitive:
- Enhances learning ability
- Improves focus and concentration
- Faster memory recall
- Better spatial processing
- Increases drive and motivation
- Reduces feelings of depression
- Fewer mood swings
- Less anxiety and stress
- Better sense of humor
- Happier mood
- More positive outlook
- Deeper sleep
- More energy
- Better temperature regulation
- Heart:
- Lower total and LDL cholesterol
- Reduces blood pressure levels
- Improves cardiac output and capacity for exercise
HGH benefits all areas of a person’s life.
HGH Side Effects and How to Decrease the Risk
As we finish this look at HGH benefits and side effects for the treatment of AGHD in men and women in San Antonio, TX, we examine the potential for adverse reactions. HGH therapy is a safe form of medically prescribed hormone replacement therapy. The most significant cause of side effects is the illegal use we often see in bodybuilders, athletes, and other people who believe that increasing HGH to higher than normal levels can help the body. Hormones are meant to be in balance – anything too high or low can lead to problems.
Increasing growth hormone levels higher than normal could result in the following HGH side effects:
- Pain in the muscles, joints, and nerves
- Insulin resistance leading to type 2 diabetes
- High cholesterol
- Carpal tunnel syndrome
- Headaches
- Male breast enlargement
- Acromegaly
- Edema
The best way to decrease the risk of side effects from HGH is to follow the doctor’s orders and communicate with the hormone clinic if any adverse reactions occur.
For additional information about HGH benefits and side effects, please contact HGH Clinic San Antonio for a free consultation.