Thanks to San Antonio HGH therapy, men and women today can once again enjoy all that life has to offer. For too long, the belief that the body must undergo unpleasant changes as it ages has been taken for granted. However, if you look around, you find that not all adults age in the same manner. There are those who seem to grow old many years sooner than their peers, as well as those who never seem to age. We often chalk it up to good genes, but it is actually the maintenance of healthy hormone levels that can help prevent premature aging.
Adults who have already received HGH therapy in San Antonio live each day with renewed vigor, vitality, and enthusiasm. The reason is simple – human growth hormone influences the following critical functions in the body:
- Metabolism
- Cell regeneration
- Immunity
- Brain functions
- Glucose uptake
- Internal organ functions
- Libido and sexual functions
- Production of other important hormones
Hormone replacement therapy gives back to the body what time takes away – what it needs to function efficiently. By age thirty, most adults are already experiencing reductions in some essential hormone levels. Ten, twenty, and even thirty years down the road, these changes often have a detrimental effect on overall health, appearance, energy, and cognitive performance. When they correct growth hormone deficiency with HGH treatment, San Antonio adults experience systemic improvement in each of these areas.
HGH therapy in San Antonio, TX, gives back to the body what it needs to function efficiently.
What Is HGH Therapy and How Do I Get It In San Antonio, Texas?
HGH therapy utilizes recombinant human growth hormone injections to increase the amount of growth hormone the body has available to bind with the GH receptors. Growth hormone receptor cells are on the surface of nearly all tissues in the brain and body. These cells cannot perform their actions without the signals from growth hormone. Bioidentical HGH has the same molecular structure consisting of the 191 amino acid polypeptide protein single chain as pituitary secreted growth hormone. That identical structure allows HGH to bind with the growth hormone receptor cells to stimulate their activities.
To get San Antonio HGH therapy, you must first receive a diagnosis of growth hormone deficiency from a qualified doctor. Most general practitioners do not engage in the prescribing of human growth hormone therapy. Hormonal balancing is beyond their scope of expertise. For that, you want to turn to a hormone replacement therapy (HRT) specialist.
When you contact an HRT doctor, you will complete the following steps:
- Consultation
- Blood test
- Examination
- Medical questionnaire
If diagnosed with growth hormone deficiency, you will then receive a prescription for HGH therapy.
HGH therapy provides the body with a supplemental supply of human growth hormone to support the activities of the growth hormone receptor cells.
How Do I Know If I Can Benefit from HGH Therapy In San Antonio, TX?
If you are wondering if you can benefit from San Antonio HGH therapy, ask yourself this question:
Can my health, energy, sleep, weight, sex life, brain functions, emotional state, or appearance benefit from improvement?
If you answered yes, then you may be a candidate for HGH therapy in San Antonio, TX.
To help you determine if HGH therapy is for you, HGH Clinic San Antonio offers free consultations by phone with one of our knowledgeable and experienced medical advisors. During this consultation, you can discuss your symptoms in complete privacy and at no charge. Ask your questions, get the answers you need, and then determine if you wish to proceed with affordable diagnostic testing. Call today for your free consultation.